ransomware blacksupp
ransomware blacksupp

2022年1月26日—BlackSunRansomware–TheDarkSideofPowerShell·Abilitytodestroylocalandnetworkbackups·Self-propagationwithinalocalnetwork·Start ...,TheEastCentralUniversity(ECU)ofAda,Oklahoma,hasrevealedthataransomwareganglaunchedanattackagainstitssyst...

East Central University suffers BlackSuit ransomware attack

TheEastCentralUniversity(ECU)ofAda,Oklahoma,hasrevealedthataransomwareganglaunchedanattackagainstitssystemsthatleftsomecomputersand ...

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BlackSun Ransomware

2022年1月26日 — BlackSun Ransomware – The Dark Side of PowerShell · Ability to destroy local and network backups · Self-propagation within a local network · Start ...

East Central University suffers BlackSuit ransomware attack

The East Central University (ECU) of Ada, Oklahoma, has revealed that a ransomware gang launched an attack against its systems that left some computers and ...


Elastio protects data from ransomware and malware evading perimeter defenses and mitigates downtime, data loss, and reputational harm for businesses. Learn ...

HC3: Analyst Note

2023年11月6日 — A relatively new ransomware group and strain known as BlackSuit, with significant similarities to the Royal ransomware family, will likely be a ...

Ransomware Protection

Ransomware protection is a comprehensive cybersecurity effort that extends beyond detecting and preventing a ransomware attack, including planning for ...

Ransomware solutions and enterprise data protection

Ensure operational resilience and protection from ransomware. Explore industry-leading products and ransomware protection solutions from Veritas.


This guide covers what ransomware is; how it has evolved; and how to identify, detect early, prevent the spread, and recover as quickly as possible using ...

不只雙重勒索,Black Basta 收編QakBot 木馬與 ...

2023年7月17日 — 最近趨勢科技研究了一起由Black Basta 勒索病毒Ransomware集團所策劃的攻擊,這起攻擊使用了QakBot 木馬程式作為首次入侵及橫向移動手段, ...


2022年1月26日—BlackSunRansomware–TheDarkSideofPowerShell·Abilitytodestroylocalandnetworkbackups·Self-propagationwithinalocalnetwork·Start ...,TheEastCentralUniversity(ECU)ofAda,Oklahoma,hasrevealedthataransomwareganglaunchedanattackagainstitssystemsthatleftsomecomputersand ...,Elastioprotectsdatafromransomwareandmalwareevadingperimeterdefensesandmitigatesdowntime,dataloss,andreputationalharmfo...